29th Volcano Triathlon

Start Date: 27/04/2013
In 2013 the Volcano triathlon is coming back in full force, welcoming international participants from all sporting backgrounds and of all ages, competing alongside many triathlon starts. Competition for individuals and Relay Teams.
April 27th 2012
1.5 K Swim – 40 K Bike – 10 K Run: The 29th edition of this triathlon event, rising in popularity and quality and breaking-records in terms of participation. This event provides an ideal warm up for the Ironman Lanzarote Spain race.
Course description
1,5K Swim
The swim is in the sea water lagoon at Club La Santa on a clearly marked course. The water temperature is approx 21º C and wetsuits are permitted. Water conditions are good and very safe.
40K Bike Course
The bike course consists of one loop starting and finishing at Club La Santa. Upon leaving the Stadium at Club La Santa participants ride towards Caleta de Caballo, then on to Soo, Famara, and towards Teguise, until reaching the roundabout of the road to Teguise. There, riders head back towards Club La Santa on the same route.
10K Run
The run starts and finishes at the Stadium and is a two loop course. Leaving the Stadium you turn left towards the lagoon until you reach the turn point on the road to La Santa village. After the turn point you return to the Stadium and then repeat the same course to complete the 10K.