Apartamentos en Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote

Apartamentos en Puerto del Carmen La Tegala es un lugar ideal para pasar unos días de descanso en la isla de Lanzarote. Los Apartamentos La Tegala se encuentran en el centro de More »

Canarian folklore

Canarian folklore

Canarian folklore is the heritage and identity of its islanders. During the various local festivities, folklore groups dressed in traditional outfits sing and dance to isas, folias and malagueñas following the melody of the timple, a string instrument that is typical of the Canary Islands. This is a great opportunity to glimpse the Canarian’s traditions, celebrations and typical dances.

Wineries in Tías

Wineries in Tías

Grapevine growing in Lanzarote follows a unique method, preserving the original features of a process that enables its scorched, barren land to produce a generous, fine wine.This wine is born from lava and has the strength of a volcano, as it is cradled under ashes that treasure every invaluable dew drop.

Tradition in Lanzarote

Tradition in Lanzarote

There is a great tradition of pottery and products derived from the leaves of palm trees and other plant fibers, as well as diverse and renowned textile crafts. Highlighted are pottery jars, pots and ceramic oil lamps or earthenware made with primitive tools or by hand.

Yacht Charter in Lanzarote

Yacht Charter in Lanzarote

Lanzarote is located in an ideal area for sailing with its crystalline waters and its rich and exotic marine life.

Party in Puerto del Carmen Lanzarote

Party in Puerto del Carmen Lanzarote.

Parties in Puerto del Carmen

August 2 in Puerto del Carmen Plaza del Varadero Lanzarote.